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6/18/21 - The recently completed health assessment indicated that there were more visits to a doctor, however, with lower rates of illnesses. Another result showed that lower overall income reported poorer overall health. This data is part of results are from the 2021 Community Health Assessment (CHA) that is sponsored by Knox Health Planning and Promotion (KHPP). KHPP is a nonprofit collation comprised of over 25 different agencies across multiple sectors. Their mission is to improve health and quality of life by mobilizing partnerships and taking strategic action in Knox County. KHPP is coordinated through Knox Public Health. This survey is administered every three years to randomized county residents. The survey results will contribute to the development of the 2021 Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). The CHIP is the blueprint for KHPP to strategically coordinate how to improve existing health initiatives, and potentially create new ones to further benefit the community.

Surveys were sent to 2800 county residents with 19 percent completing the survey. “Community input is really important for KHPP to plan and coordinate solutions to address the needs, problems, and gaps presented for county residents,” said KHPP Coordinator Carmen Barbuto, “Everyone’s answers will provide us the vital feedback we need to create a better community for every Knox County resident.”

Noted results from the survey indicate that the community is still suffering with higher rates of mental health issues compared to 2018 rates like: higher rates of poor mental health days, higher rates of anxiety, and higher rates of depression. Another result was lower rates of tobacco usage. Respondents also concluded that COVID-19 was the most important health issue. Data on Behaviors Risk Factors such as drug and alcohol use, smoking rates, and active living as well Social Determinants of Health including: education, income, and health care access are also presented within the report.

Barbuto said KHPP welcomes community input on the survey results. A draft of the 2021 Community Health Assessment is available for review on Knox Public Health’s website,

“The 2021 CHA is great example of what community partnerships can accomplish and what they can do to make a positive impact on their community,” said Health Commissioner Julie Miller of Knox Public Health. “The information contained in the CHA will be used to prioritize the gaps or needs in all aspects of health, healthcare access, and resources that need to be addressed in order to support optimal health for all residents of Knox County.”

KHPP is currently working on the community health improvement plan with plans to finish by September 2021.
