
Knox Public Health houses birth and death records for any person who was born or has died in Knox County dating back to December 1908. Additionally, birth records from other Ohio counties can be accessed at the health department via an online service provided by the Ohio Department of Health. At this time, this service is only available for birth records. Contact information for birth and death records is available from other states.

Records for newborns are not available until two weeks after the date of birth. For home births, all paperwork needs to be received by the health department within 10 days of the date of birth. Certified copies of birth records are needed for a variety of situations including: enrolling in school; applying for public assistance; obtaining a passport, driver’s license or marriage license; and applying for a social security card. Likewise, certified copies of death records are needed for a variety of situations, including collecting life insurance and social security benefits legal procedures and estate settlements.

Certified Copies and Cost

Only certified copies of birth and death records are available. Free non-certified copies are no longer available. There is a $25 fee. Payment is due at time of request. We accept cash, checks, money orders, debit or credit cards for payment. Make checks and money orders payable to Knox Public Health.

Availability and Application

You can pay by credit or debit card online for certified copies of birth and death records. Copies can be either mailed or you can pick up at our office location (11660 Upper Gilchrist Road in Mount Vernon). All copies not picked up within 30 days will be mailed.

You can obtain a birth or death certificate in person during regular business hours of Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. No appointment necessary. Requests are fulfilled immediately. The entire process usually takes less than 10 minutes. The vital statistics division is closed from Noon-1p.m. 

You can also obtain a birth or death certificate by mail. Send a completed application along with a self-addressed stamped envelope and payment to Knox Public Health. We are not responsible for lost or returned mail. The same application is used to request either a birth or death certificate.

The information needed to complete the application includes:
• The full name and date of birth or date of death of the individual
• Mother's first name and maiden name (birth certificate only)
• Father's first and last name (birth certificate only)
• Full name and address of person requesting certificate

Download Application       Order and Pay Online - Birth Cerificate       Order and Pay Online - Death Certificate

Genealogy Research

The viewing of birth and death certificates for genealogy research is permitted Monday through Friday 9-11 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. You can only view the certificates. Copies on plain paper are not allowed.

Correcting a Birth Certificate

If you find information on a birth certificate is incorrect, i.e. the name is misspelled or a date is wrong; bring the certificate to the health department with the correct information. The Knox County registrar will contact the state registrar to make the requested changes. If an affidavit is needed to make the changes, the county registrar can file the affidavit for you. Many times, the correction can be made onsite and a corrected certified copy will be given to you.

Adding a Father to a Birth Certificate

Single, unmarried mothers wishing to add a father to a birth certificate must complete an Acknowledgment of Paternity Affidavit signed by both the mother and father. Affidavit forms can be obtained at the health department or from any hospital or child support enforcement agency. It takes approximately 3-6 months for a new birth certificate to be completed once a Paternity Affidavit has been received and approved. If you wish to check on the status of a new birth certificate with the father’s name added, please call 740-392-2200, Opt. 7.

Correcting a Death Certificate

Contact the funeral home that submitted the original information. The funeral home is located on the original death record.