POSITIVE MANTRAS blog header 06262023 1

Finding the positivity in each day can be tough. But seeking balance through positive thoughts can really help release negativity and enhance the positivity that your life has to offer - and life has to offer back. 

Check back each day to soak in the daily mantra to set your intentions on the positivity that lies ahead:

  1. "I embrace discomfort knowing change can be good."
  2. "I can and I will." - Repeat that again -
  3. "Whatever I do, I will do it with my whole heart."
  4. "I am important." - Repeat that again -
  5. "I am helpful and doing enough for others."
  6. "I can find my calmness and let it flow like a river."
  7. "I am enough."
  8. "I am a force for good."
  9. "Life may be tough, but I am tougher."
  10. "I choose to stop apologizing for being me."
  11. "I deserve all that is good." - Repeat that again -
  12. "I love my body and all it does for me."
  13. "I am creating a beautiful life."
  14. "I am worthy of love and attention." - Repeat that again -
  15. "I choose to be grateful for all I have."
  16. "I choose to release the past and focus on the future."
  17. My voice is valueable and my opinions matter."
  18. "I am constantly growing."
  19. "I am ready for today's challenges."
  20. "I am evolving."
  21. "This is hard, but I can do it."
  22. "I will let go of what does not positively serve me."
  23. "Everyday is a new opportunity." - Repeat that again -
  24. "I will find gratitude in my heart."
  25. "I am stronger than my negative thoughts."
  26. "Inhale confidence. Exhale fear. Repeat."
  27. "My calmness is contagious."
  28. "Feelings of being overwhelmed are present, but they will pass just like a storm rolling through."
  29. "I do not need to be perfect."
  30. "I can respond to negativity today with compassion and also have compassion for myself."
  31. "I am exactly who the world needs me to be." - Repeat that again -