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We know—most of us don’t like going to the dentist. But just because we don’t like it, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it! And sometimes, getting our kiddos to the dentist can be a real struggle! Dental exams are vital for a dentist to detect any signs of tooth decay and cavities in a kid’s mouth. The more regularly they are checked, the less likely an issue will get out of hand and evolve into a larger problem.

Important Reasons to Visit the Dentist:

  • Checking for cavities—treating them quickly helps eliminate health complications like abscesses or infections.
  • Save Money—seeing a dentist twice a year can actually save you money. If you see a dentist twice a year, you’re on your way to preventive dentistry. Keeping your kids’ teeth clean and free of plaque, checking for cavities and disease can keep you from having costly bills if problems are left untreated.
  • Gum Disease—Keeping your kids’ teeth clean cuts down on the risk of gum disease, like gingivitis or periodontitis.
  • Save your teeth—Seeing a dentist regularly is the first step to keeping and saving the permanent teeth they have. 
  • Keep an eye on teeth for braces—keeping watch on their teeth every 6 months will stay on top of the changes that happen as permanent teeth come in and if braces are needed.




Preventing cavities is an important part of your dental health. Sometimes, what you think might just be a toothache, could be a cavity. If your child does have a cavity, it’s important to get to a dentist sooner rather than later. 


Symptoms of a cavity:

  • Toothache
  • Spontaneous pain or pain that begins without any reason
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Mild to sharp pain when eating or reacting to hot or cold foods or drinks
  • Visible holes or pits in teeth
  • Brown, black, or white staining on teeth
  • Pain when biting down on something


Prevent cavities in just one appointment


  • Sealants are an important part of a child’s dental health. 
  • They are applied to the chewing surfaces of teeth to help prevent cavities. This thin seal blocks out germs and food that can cause cavities.
  • Sealants are painted on and will not affect chewing or the feeling of the tooth.
  • Sealants are usually applied starting around 6 years of age. Your dentist will treat each child individually and may reapply at 12 years of age.
  • Sealants can last for several years, but they can come off. Other teeth may need them, based on your child’s teeth.


Taking care of your kids’ teeth and mouth health is an important part of their health routine. Make appointments six months apart and get their teeth cleaned and inspected at each appointment. Make sure your kids brush their teeth (sing the A,B,C’s three times while they brush or try these fun songs) twice daily for at least two minutes each time and remember to floss every day.


We are here for your dental needs. A clean mouth is a healthy mouth and leads to better health. Take care of your child’s mouth by scheduling your dental visit. 


If your kiddo has pain or an issue in between appointments, don’t hesitate to reach out to schedule a visit. Our staff is here to answer questions, suggest solutions, and work with you! 


Get your appointment at either one of our Health Clinics. Click HERE for more information about our dental services and scheduling at Knox County Dental or Knox Public Health. and paying for appointments. We offer healthcare for everyone!


We can’t wait to see your kiddos!