Brightly colored Physical Fitness and Sports equipment

It’s National Physical Fitness and Sports Month! Make sure to get out and exercise this month… well, every month would be better! Make this the month to get started exercising. It’s also time to think about school starting in the fall and whether your kiddos need physical exams and immunizations.

At the Knox County Community Health Center, we love everything to do with fitness and sports. We love seeing our young people involved with sports, whether it’s at school, traveling teams, or summer sports groups. 


School required physical exam and immunizations

Did you know (or remember) that the schools require physical exams and immunizations at certain ages? Get kiddos scheduled now for school-required physical exams and immunizations.

  • Kindergarteners need final doses of Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella, and Hepatitis B.
  • Middle Schoolers need a dose of of Meningitis ACWY, Tetanus, Diphtheria, and a Pertussis Booster.
  • High Schoolers need a final dose of Meningitis ACWY.


Did you know that we offer physical exams for sports teams? 

  • Many sports organizations require an updated physical each year. 
  • We will work to create a payment plan that works for you.  
  • We will get all the forms you need signed and ready to give to the coach, school, or sports organization. 
  • Contact our Health Center to get your appointment scheduled. Call: 740-399-8008


Get moving!

Exercise is important for your health. It helps maintain your weight, reduces risk for chronic diseases, gives you energy, and helps you feel better!

Are you ready to start exercising? We recommend talking with our doctors and nurses before starting a new exercise program, especially if you haven’t exercised in a while or have a medical condition or injury. Once you are ready, there are many activities you can do. Work your way, building on small steps each session, and you’ll feel stronger in no time!

The goal is to try to get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of more strenuous activity per week. A brisk walk, jogging, and biking are a few easy ways to get some exercise in. 

Don’t forget these helpful hints before you get moving:

  • Warm up before exercising. Stretch, drink water, and slowly warm up. 
  • Try to incorporate some strength training in a few times a week. Use weights heavy enough to tire your muscles, but still be able to do the lifting. (No need to go out and buy weights… use household items! A few things we bet you have around the house: canned or jarred goods, books, plastic water bottles filled with beans or rice).
  • Find fun ways to build exercise into your daily routine. Try these: lift weights or jog in place while watching TV (make those commercial breaks useful), do some pushups against the counter while cooking,  squats while picking up toys or laundry, dance with your kids.
  • Don’t forget about utilizing YouTube to find workout videos you can do in your home. Many times you can find modified programs if you need to be mindful of things like a sore knee or balance issues.
  • When you are finished exercising, take time to stretch again and refuel with a glass of water.


If nothing else, just try to get outside! Run around with your kids, take walks, play hopscotch, or jump rope. Just get moving and you’ll start to see a difference in how you feel. Plus, your family will love having you play with them!


Can we help you with your child’s sports physical exams, school exams or get you started on your new fitness routine? Call us at 740-399-8008 to schedule your appointment in Danville (only ADULT immunizations available) or Mount Vernon.


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